A Message from Matt Oppermann
Welcome to Crown of Life Christian Academy! I am delighted to introduce you to a school that is unlike any other. God has given parents an awesome responsibility. Not only has God entrusted you with a human life that is totally dependent on you for physical needs, but He has given you the task of teaching your child to know about Him and His holy and precious Word! CLCA exists to help you achieve that spiritual responsibility. Our mission is to nurture the growth and development of the whole child from pre-kindergarten through eighth grade within the framework of a Christ-centered environment. It is our responsibility to provide students opportunities for spiritual growth and enhancement of Christian values so that each may pursue a life centered in Jesus Christ. CLCA is not only an education, it’s an experience; one that will last a lifetime. Our priorities are to offer academic excellence and a biblical worldview.
CLCA recognizes the importance of a strong working relationship between home and school. It is this bond that allows parents and faculty to work closely together in all aspects of school life with the students as the center of their efforts. By partnering together, we will provide a safe and loving environment for your child to experience spiritual, academic, social, and physical growth.
Being a parent means making some very difficult decisions. Not the least of which is choosing a school for your child. God has commanded parents to, “train up a child in the way they should go,” and he promises that, “when they are old they will not turn from it.” It can be challenging in this sinful world to find a safe place where your child can learn good morals and be surrounded by friends who share their beliefs and have positive attitudes. Our teachers are committed to offering each student the opportunity to grow to his or her highest potential. The curriculum offers students ample opportunities for heightened success and self- esteem. CLCA is a place where you will find teachers dedicated to providing your child with the safety and training needed to experience academic and social success. We look forward to growing with your child. We are thankful to God, who has allowed us to have a school that puts Him first. We are excited about what He is going to do through the lives of these children.
Your Servant in Christ,

Mr. Matt Oppermann
Crown of Life Christian Academy