Crown of Life offers a traditional approach to preschool. Our 2K, 3K, and 4K classes offer social and play opportunities along with the more concrete skills needed for pre-kindergarten. Emphasis on whole-child development ensures a well-rounded program. We include pre-reading and writing skills, early Math concepts, fine and gross motor skills, as well as simple science and social studies activities. Daily Bible lessons help the children learn basic truths of the Bible and about their Savior Jesus. Weekly Chapel with our Pastors help develop an early understanding of worship. Our developmentally appropriate curriculum ensures children are learning in a fun and engaging way.


The following tuition fees reflect the annual cost per student in the 2022-2023 school year. These can be billed monthy, bi-annually or annually.

2K (2 half days): $1,150/year
2K (3 half days): $1,550/year
2K (5 half days): $2,400/year

3K (2 half days): $1,150/year
3K (3 half days): $1,550/year
3K (5 half days): $2,400/year

4K (5 half days): $2,100/year